By their nature, case reports are very compelling to the enquiring mind—almost like the gossip columns of the medical literature. Like gossip columns, case reports draw fascinating new connections using a litany of supporting data and observations, including photographic evidence.
Mountain Hardware and Sports Inclin now offers Benjamin Moore's updated Aura ultra-premium paint, their longest lasting, most durable and most beautiful paint collection yet.
On December 11th, 1972, Apollo 17 crew members landed on the Moon's surface. Commander Gene Cernan and Lunar Module Pilot Harrison Schmitt stepped out of the lunar Lander challenger in the Taurus-Littrow Valley, near Camelot Crater. 49 years later, no other person has eclipsed their accomplishments and no one else has set foot on the Moon since then.
Software Acquisition Group III Inc. (SWAG:NAQ) was the highest Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles company headquartered in Nevada on May 26.
Software Acquisition Group III Inc. (SWAG:NAQ) was the highest Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles company headquartered in Nevada on May 26.
With triple digit temperatures and long days full of sunshine, nobody really wants to be spending a lot of time in the kitchen. That’s okay! Summer is a great time to experiment with fresh low-prep meal ideas.
Ana de Bettencourt-Dias, the Susan Magee and Gary Clemons Professor of Chemistry, can add “Foundation Professor” to her long list of accomplishments. The eligibility requirements for nomination to the Foundation Professor award include a record of excellence in their discipline as a teacher and scholar, national prominence in their field, a demonstrated record of service to the University, and a record of sustained achievement. de Bettencourt-Dias easily surpasses all the requirements in her 15 years at the University so far.
May marked the end of a chapter for thousands of UNLV graduates, who crossed the Thomas & Mack stage for the first spring semester commencement ceremony held on campus since the pandemic began.
Software Acquisition Group III Inc. (SWAG:NAQ) was the highest Open End and Miscellaneous Investment Vehicles company headquartered in Nevada on May 26.
Las Vegas City Council met Wednesday, June 1. Below are some agenda items that may be of interest. View the full agenda and watch a recording. Watch live at